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Seiko Matsuda - Watashi dake no Tenshi ~Angel~ Lyrics

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Home > Singer > Seiko Matsuda > Watashi dake no Tenshi ~Angel~ Lyrics
This song's for My Mom's Birthday XDD
Happy 53rd Birthday Mom
Thank you for let me born
and see this world.
I love you, always ^3^
MF: March 02, 2014 - Natalia
私だけの天使 ~Angel~ 歌詞
Watashi dake no Tenshi ~Angel Lyrics
Lirik Lagu Watashi dake no Tenshi ~Angel
Song Details
私だけの天使 ~Angel~ My Own Angel
Watashi dake no Tenshi ~Angel Satu-satunya Malaikat Kecilku
松田聖子 Seiko Matsuda
・Ogura Ryo
Lyricist: Seiko Matsuda
Composer: Seiko Matsuda
・Ryo Ogura
Kanji Romanized English
終わって 家に帰ったら パジャマで
かけて来て こぼれんばかりの 笑顔で優しく むかえてくれる 「ごめんね いつでも
待たせるばかりで」 「淋しい思いを  きっと
しているでしょうね」 どんな時でも  涙を見せないで 微笑んでいる 天使のように  可愛い顔をした あなたが ママの大切な  世界にひとつの 輝く宝物 「疲れているでしょう? いつも気にしてわ」 肩をなでてくれる 小さなその手で  一生懸命 愛をくれる あなたがいるから ママは こうやって 毎日仕事を  頑張って
やってゆけるの 約束するわ  ママの命賭けて あなたのことを  守ってゆくわ それが
ママにとって  生きがい 何より素敵よ  あなたがこの世に 生まれてきたことが どんな時でも  涙を見せないで 微笑んでいる 天使のように  可愛い顔をした あなたが 約束するわ  ママの命賭けて あなたのことを  守ってゆくわ それが
ママにとって  生きがい 何より素敵よ  あなたがこの世に 生まれてきたことが
Shigoto ga 
Uchi ni kaettara
Kakete kite
Koboren bakari no
Egao de yasashiku
Mukaete kureru

“Gomen ne itsudemo
Matasete bakari de”
“Sabishii omoi wo
Shite iru deshou ne”

Donna toki demo
Namida wo misenaide
Hohoende iru
Tenshi no youni
Kawaii egao wo shita
Anata ga
MAMA no taisetsu na
Sekai ni hitotsu no
Kagayaku takaramono

“Tsukarete iru deshou?
Itsumo ki ni shite wa”
Kata wo nadete kureru
Chiisana sono te de
Ai wo kureru

Anata ga iru kara
MAMA wa kou yatte
Mainichi shigoto wo
Yatte yukeru no

Yakusoku suru wa
MAMA no inochi kakete
Anata no koto wo
Mamotte yuku wa
Sore ga
MAMA ni totte
Nani yori suteki yo
Anata ga kono yo ni
Umarete kita koto ga

Donna toki demo
Namida wo misenaide
Hohoende iru
Tenshi no youni
Kawaii egao wo shita
Anata ga

Yakusoku suru wa
MAMA no inochi kakete
Anata no koto wo
Mamotte yuku wa
Sore ga
MAMA ni totte
Nani yori suteki yo
Anata ga kono yo ni
Umarete kita koto ga
I’m done with work
then going home
Wearing pajamas,
you always rush
With kindness
in your overflowing smile
to greet me

"I’m sorry,
Mama always
made you waiting."
"I know, you definitely
feel lonely, right?"

Whatever the times,
you never
show your tears,
and always smiling
Your adorable smile
like an angel
is the most precious
sparkling treasure
for Mama in the world

“You’re tired, right Mom?
I always worried about you.”
With your small hands
You do your best
to give me a back rub
to give me love

In this way,
because you’re here,
Mama will keep
working hard everyday
with all my best

I promise you
I will put my life on
to keep protecting you,
my dear child
For Mama,
it’s my purpose in life
That you were born
in this world
is my most
beautiful treasure

Whatever the times,
you never
show your tears,
and always smiling
Your smile is so adorable
like an angel

I promise you
I will put my life on
to keep protecting you,
my dear child
For Mama,
it’s my purpose in life
That you were born
in this world
is my most
beautiful treasure
Selesai bekerja,
setiap kali,
mama pulang ke rumah
kau berlari
memakai piyama
Dengan luapan
senyuman yang hangat,
menyambut mama pulang

"Maaf ya,
Mama selalu saja
membuatmu menunggu"
"Kamu pasti
merasa kesepian kan?"

Di saat seperti apapun,
kau tak pernah
memperlihatkan air mata
dan selalu tersenyum bahagia
Anakku, senyumanmu yang manis
bagai malaikat itu
adalah kemilau harta mama
yang paling berharga
di dunia

“Mama pasti capek, kan?
Aku mengkhawatirkan mama.”
Dengan tanganmu yang kecil,
kau berusaha keras
memijat bahuku
memberikan cinta padaku

Karena kau ada, anakku
Mama demikian
bekerja keras
Setiap hari,
dengan sekuat tenaga

Mama berjanji
akan mempertaruhkan nyawa
untuk terus melindungimu,
tujuan hidup bagi mama
Kau yang lahir
ke dunia ini adalah
harta terindah
tiara tara

Di saat seperti apapun,
kau tak pernah
memperlihatkan air mata
dan selalu tersenyum bahagia
Anakku, senyumanmu begitu manis
bagaikan malaikat

Mama berjanji
akan mempertaruhkan nyawa
untuk terus melindungimu,
tujuan hidup bagi mama
Kau yang lahir
ke dunia ini adalah
harta terindah
tiara tara
Translation Notes:

Romaji & English version
credits to: Lyrics Translate.com
I made a little correction
for the English version.
I just want to correct the point of view
(POV here is Mom, not the child)
Thanks for visiting :D
All lyrics in this blog are translated
by Nakari Amane (unless noted)
Taking without permission is prohibited
I've passed the highest level
of Japanese language
but I'm a native Indonesian.
So there will be so many
grammar errors in my translations.
Feel free to do grammar-nazi.
Any little support will become
a source of motivation for me
to keep updating this blog
and improving my translations.
Thank you (´・ω・)`
Kindly write in the comment, 
if you need the English translation
(if there's no English)
Kalau ada kesalahan romaji,
terjemahan dan lain-lain,
langsung komen aja, ya.
Pasti ada banyak kesalahan
yang luput dari mata saya.

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Hello, I'm Natalia from Indonesia. Thank you for visiting my blog.
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